O Ciclo de Crescimento das Relvas ao Longo do Ano March 08, 2024Verde Alma Bem-vindos ao nosso espaço verde! Hoje, vamos mergulhar no fascinante mundo do crescimento das relvas e como ele varia ao longo das diferentes estações do ano. A relva, esse tapete...
Introdução ao Design de Paisagismo March 04, 2024Verde Alma Explorando o Design de Paisagismo O design de paisagismo é uma arte sofisticada que transcende a simples jardinagem. É sobre criar espaços que reflitam sua personalidade enquanto respeitam o equilíbrio...
Como Cuidar de Plantas Grandes: Um Guia Completo February 26, 2024Verde Alma Se você é um entusiasta de plantas que acabou de trazer para casa uma grande planta de interior ou está procurando maneiras de manter suas plantas de jardim exuberantes e...
How to Effectively Water the Garden February 12, 2024Verde Alma Like most living beings, plants also need water to survive, and this is responsible for almost all metabolic processes, including the absorption of nutrients and the photosynthesis process. The practice...
Lawns - How to Plant a Lawn February 12, 2024Verde Alma The lawn is one of the main aesthetic elements of a garden, knowing how to take care of it to obtain the best result was until now a difficult task,...
Palm Beetle (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) February 12, 2024Verde Alma Palm Beetle (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) The pest commonly known as Palm Beetle of tropical origin, in the eighties and nineties, began its expansion, at the time across the Middle East and...
Lawns - Various Types of Lawn February 09, 2024Verde Alma The lawn is a prominent element in any green space, so when designing a garden, choosing the type of grass is a very relevant issue, not only to satisfy us...
Lunar Gardening February 09, 2024Verde Alma The practice, known as lunar gardening, revolves around the moon's gravitational effect on the flow of moisture in soil and plants. Gardening by the moon is as old as the...
Urban Gardens February 09, 2024Verde Alma Producing your own food for consumption has become an increasingly common practice, especially for those who care about the quality and safety of the food they eat, which is why...
Fruit Tree Pruning February 09, 2024Verde Alma When and Why Prune? Pruning fruit trees is the removal, using hand tools and/or machines, of any part of the plant such as branches, roots and even parts of the...
Home Gardening February 09, 2024Verde Alma The isolation and quarantine imposed by the covid-19 pandemic have brought with them more time to dedicate themselves to things at home or enjoy the presence of children at home....
Rediscovering Connection to Nature: The Art of Sustainable Landscaping February 09, 2024Verde Alma In an increasingly urbanized and digital world, the search for spaces that reconnect us with the natural world has become not just a desire, but a necessity. Verde Alma, always...